After years and years of waiting and staring at other beautiful websites, Photoyourworld has launched its own site. We know web presence is a must, but why wait a couple of years to launch one? Here is a short interview we had with Mr. Clickerhappy himself to answer the question.

PYW: Chief, Why did it take so long to launch a site?
Clickerhappy: We needed time. We slowed down and took it one step at a time. We built our portfolio and gained experience. You know its not only a business but its also a Creative Juggernaut that we had to build.
PYW: Tell us about the business model.
Clickerhappy: The basic model is that we are a creative juggernaut first before a business. Our motto of "Taking your photos to the next level"; thats what we strive for. We want the client to be awed 5, 10 ,15 years after the photo was taken.
We exist in two locations, in Michigan and in the East Coast area. Each has a unique market, and we try to serve both as one requres. On big weddings, the photographers fly out to help cover the event.
PYW: What are the features of the new website?
Clickerhappy: We have gone flash, since that is the norm. But the content, logos, menus, etc...We tread warily with thought in order for things to pop out. I was particularly careful with the logos, I did not want any bleeding or bluriness to it. It came out simple but straight to the point.
The Photos on the site were some of the best. We wanted to save the other All-Star photos for the client to appreciate on their own.
Other smashing features are The Room, which is a virtual proofing room. You would see these in studios but photoyourworld offers it in the comfort of your armchair. But what I love most about the site is the mouse-over layered thumbnail. You should try it out, its carpal tunnel friendly.
PYW: To Close.
Clickerhappy: Give us a buzz, subscribe to our newsletters or come back to this blog from time to time. We would love to hear your feedback about the new site.

PYW: Chief, Why did it take so long to launch a site?
Clickerhappy: We needed time. We slowed down and took it one step at a time. We built our portfolio and gained experience. You know its not only a business but its also a Creative Juggernaut that we had to build.
PYW: Tell us about the business model.
Clickerhappy: The basic model is that we are a creative juggernaut first before a business. Our motto of "Taking your photos to the next level"; thats what we strive for. We want the client to be awed 5, 10 ,15 years after the photo was taken.
We exist in two locations, in Michigan and in the East Coast area. Each has a unique market, and we try to serve both as one requres. On big weddings, the photographers fly out to help cover the event.
PYW: What are the features of the new website?
Clickerhappy: We have gone flash, since that is the norm. But the content, logos, menus, etc...We tread warily with thought in order for things to pop out. I was particularly careful with the logos, I did not want any bleeding or bluriness to it. It came out simple but straight to the point.
The Photos on the site were some of the best. We wanted to save the other All-Star photos for the client to appreciate on their own.
Other smashing features are The Room, which is a virtual proofing room. You would see these in studios but photoyourworld offers it in the comfort of your armchair. But what I love most about the site is the mouse-over layered thumbnail. You should try it out, its carpal tunnel friendly.